The City of Łomża, the Department of Legal Sciences of Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Lomza State University of Applied Sciences and National Institute of Local Government are honored to invite to participate in the International Scientific Conference „Legal and organizational aspects of local government international cooperation” which will be held on 16th June 2023 at Lomza State University of Applied Sciences (Akademicka 14 Street).
We cordially invite you to participate in the International Scientific Conference entitled "Legal and operational aspects of international local government cooperation", which will be held on June 16, 2023 at the Lomza State University of Applied Sciences in a hybrid form. The organized scientific conference will be one of the events celebrating the 605th anniversary of the City of Łomża, the celebration of which will also be attended representatives of foreign governments cooperating with the City of Łomża.
The organizers of the Conference are the City of Łomża, the Department of Legal Sciences of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Lomza State University of Applied Sciences and the National Institute of Local Government.
About the Conference:
The idea of the Conference is to focus on the legal, but also as well as organizational aspects of international cooperation implemented by local government Cooperation between local governments of different countries is strongly rooted not only in acts of international law but also in local government practice, which is symbolized by the dynamically functioning formula of twin towns and communes. The premise for the use of the subject matter as part of the conference assistance is also the phenomenon effect of widespread in-kind assistance provided by Polish local governments (cities, communes, poviats, voivodeships) to Ukrainian local governments in connection with the ongoing armed conflict caused by Russia's aggression against Ukraine on February 24, 2022. R. The above phenomenon confirmed the relevance and scientific importance of the topic undertaken as part of the organized conference. During the event, both theoreticians and practitioners, including local governments of foreign cities and communes cooperating with the City of Łomża .The purpose of the Conference is to exchange experiences, good practices related to cooperation of local governments at international levels of cooperation with the cooperation of local governments to strengthen the international, to present and discuss the legal framework, views in the above-mentioned area in the abovementioned. area, as well as to discuss the challengesa, opportunities and future cooperation of local government units with foreign partners. The conference will be held in a hybrid form.
Conference Organizing Committee:
PhD Ewa Jakubiak (President of the Organizing Committee, ANSŁ) – phone +48 515 197 512
PhD Katarzyna Jurewicz-Bakun (Vice-President of the Organizing Committee, ANSŁ)
PhD Anna Szafranek (ANSŁ)
PhD Łukasz Buczkowski (ANSŁ)
Sebastian Chrzanowski, MA ( The City of Lomża)
Karolina Krzykowska, MA (The City of Lomża)
Agnieszka Hermel, MA (NIST)
Scientific Council of the Conference:
prof., PhD Joanna Małgorzata Salachna (Head of the Department of Public Finance and Financial Law, University of Bialystok)
prof., PhD Zbigniew Ofiarski (University of Szczecin)
prof., PhD Hubert Izdebski (Head of the Department of Public and International Law, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw)
prof., PhD Maciej Perkowski (Head of the Department of Public International and European Law, University of Bialystok)
prof., PhD Roman Wieruszewski (Head of the Department of Constitutional Law and Human Rights, EWSPiA in Warsaw)
prof., PhD Dariusz Surowik, prof. ANSŁ (Rector of the Academy of Applied Sciences in Łomża)
prof., PhD Igor Cependa (Rector of the Precarpathian Vasyl Stefanyk National University in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
prof., PhD Julia Kerniakewycz-Tanasijczuk (Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
prof., PhD Jaroslav Dvorak (Klaipėda University, Lithuania)
prof., PhD Petro Stetsiuk, (Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, ret., Research Fellow on Legal Issues of the Ukrainian Center for Economic and Political Studies named after Olexander Razumkov)
doc. JUDr. Ing. Michal Radvan, Ph.D. (Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic)
doc. JUDr. Petr Mrkývka, Ph.D. (Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic)
JUDr. Dana Šramková, Ph.D., MBA (Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic)
doc. Milan Pakhomov, prof. NUL (National Aviation University Kiev, Ukraine)
prof., PhD hab. Sabina Grabowska, prof. UR (Dean of the College of Social Sciences, University of Rzeszów)
prof., PhD Jacek Wantoch-Rekowski, prof. NCU (Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń)
prof., PhD Anna Kosinska, prof. US (University of Szczecin)
prof., PhD Ewa Pierzchała, prof. UO (University of Opole)
prof., PhD Małgorzata Ofiarska, prof. US (University of Szczecin)
prof., PhD Anna Ostrowska, prof. ANSŁ (Head of the Department of Legal Sciences at WNSiH, Academy of Applied Sciences in Łomża,
prof., PhD Wojciech Maciejko (WSPiA Rzeszów University)
prof., PhD Wojciech Gonet, prof. UPH (University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce)
prof., PhD Stanisław Faliński, prof. UPH (University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce)
PhD Daniel Milewski (Vice-Rector of the Warsaw University of Business)
PhD Iwona Wieczorek (Director of the National Institute of Local Government)
PhD Mariusz Chrzanowski (Mayor of the City of Łomża, Academy of Applied Sciences in Łomża)
PhD Julia Tocicka (University of Justice in Warsaw)
CSc. Ľubomír Falťan,(Slovak Academy Sciences, Slovakia)
More information can be found at the conference website: