International Center of Public Finance and Tax Law Research,
University of Bialystok, Faculty of Law
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law
cordially invite you to
25th International Scientific Conference
24-26 September 2025,
in Košice, Slovakia.
Within the main topic, papers on these particular issues will be welcome:
Pillar I: Budgetary Law
State budget, local budgets, and other public budgets
Instruments of consolidation of public finances
Budgetary responsibility and budgetary transparency
Public debt and its limits, limits on public expenditure
Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and its implementation in Member States
Pillar II: Tax Law
Taxes in general
Taxation of the digital economy
New taxes: environmental taxes, financial transaction tax and other taxes
Tax mix as a source of local government revenue
Customs Union reform
Customs rules in a national and supranational framework
Pillar III: Financial Markets Law
Financial and capital markets
The digital euro
Crypto assets
Besides the papers on particular topics, national reporters on each of the pillars I - III will be appointed by the conference organisers.
The national reports and papers submitted to the conference will be published in the conference proceedings; assorted papers of high quality may be published in one of the following journals:
Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations
Financial Law Review
Gubernaculum et Administration
Institutiones Administrationis: Journal of Administrative Sciences
Paneurópske právnické listy
Studia Iuridica Cassoviensia
Studia Juridica et Politica Jaurinensia
Studia Prawnoustrojowe
Studia Sieci Uniwersytetów Pogranicza
Fee policy:
EUR 120 for doctoral students & EUR 200 for other participants
More detailed conference information will be provided soon.
We look forward to welcoming you in Košice!